
This site has moved

Published · 2min

I have to apologise to anybody who follows my feed as you have no doubt just been flooded with a hundred or so additional entries.

I’ll explain.

I’ve moved this site to I intend for this to be its final location. I’ve added permanent redirects for everything. Unfortunately, not everything respects permanent redirects, so whatever software you use to subscribe to my feed will likely be hitting the old feed URL. You would be doing me a favour if you were to update the URL in your feed reader.

Additionally, Pelican, which is what I use, does not give any way to give entries and feeds IDs customise entry and feed IDs1, which makes it impossible for me to prevent old entries from showing up.

I intend this new location to be the final time I move my blog. I’m letting as many of my domains as possible expire. If I could whittle the list down to just and, I would, but I’ll need to keep for email and for redirects. I very much wish I’d never used those gimmicky domain hacks in the first place.

Also, if you’re a relative of mine and would like a subdomain, ping me. If you’re more technical, open a pull request against my zones repo: you’ll need to modify group_vars/all/main.yml, adding an entry to the zone_cnames mapping.

  1. I realise the way I originally stated this was misleading as it implied that no IDs were generated. This isn’t the problem. The problem is with the way they’re generated. Pelican uses a standalone version of Django’s feedgenerator library, and this generates its IDs as tag URIs. Unfortunately, the way it does this is only marginally better than using the entry’s URL, as it’s formed from the hostname, the path, and the creation date, which allows you to disambiguate two entries with the same URL created at different times, but it means that you can’t change the entry URLs without the ID changing, and moving the blog from one domain to another will also break the IDs. Ideally, Pelican would use a combination of an explicit hostname (with the current hostname being the default), the creation date, and the entry slug.