
Worried about two friends and the tsunami

Published · 1min

Right now I’m worried. I haven’t posted up anything since it happened because I didn’t know what to write, but I’m worried about Thérèse and Vinnie, two friends of mine who are travelling through SE Asia right now.

I haven’t heard word from them in ages, but then again I haven’t been able to check my email address. So what I’m basically asking is that if either of ye read this and want to assure me that ye’re ok, leave a comment here.

Meanwhile the rest of ye should at least try and do something small by contributing to one of the Irish Red Cross, Concern, Trócaire, or UNICEF.

Update: I’m after downloading all 550 or so emails since the 23rd, and not a thing from them.

Update Two: All is well! Thérèse is after sending everybody a “Happy New Year” email. Phew! Stupid me!