
Picking up Lua again

Published · 3min

I recently resurrected my old original Raspberry Pi B+ and installed NetBSD on it. Currently, it’s acting as a bastion for my local network, but I’ve been thinking of other projects I could do with it. One of those is to build something like Pi-Hole with it, as practically everything needed is part of the the base system, as it come with both BIND 9 and Unbound, ISC dhcpd, sqlite3, bozohttpd, and Lua in the base system.

The first time I looked at Lua, was, I think, in the late ‘90s or early 2000s, when I downloaded a pretty early version of the interpreter built for RISC OS. It looked nice enough as a language, but I set it aside as it didn’t really let me do much with it out of the box. I’m not sure if I understood the point of the language at the time, though I later grew to appreciate that aspect of it. Not that I’ve ever had a huge need for embedding an interpreter in any of my projects since then.

With this ad/DNS blackholing project, I figured I’d revisit it. What surprised me is just how little it seems to have changed over the years, at least on the surface, and there are some very odd omissions from the the basic set of libraries.

The first one that struck me is that there’s no built-in way to print a table. Best as I can tell, tables have no default implementation for the __tostring metamethod, nor even a way to do so built into the debug library. If only to help with debugging, it seems like an odd omission when the overhead would be minimal.

Second is that there’s a weird lack of policy where it would be convenient. Particularly, it would be very nice if Lua supplied the few tens of lines of code needed to implement classes consistently. It’s one thing to favour mechanism over policy, but when the policy would be cheap, easy, and convenient, it seems silly not to provide it.

The lack of a basic test framework seems like an odd omission to me. It’s the kind of thing that’s invaluable during development, but isn’t going to add any overhead in an embedded environment.

Alongside that is a lack of some basic application support functions, like an implementation of something like getopt.

It would be nice to have built-in support for some very simple configuration format like INI files, but that’s not the end of the world.

I really miss not having an in operator for checking against a list of values, the behaviour of # with tables is rather weird, as is how nil interacts with them. I can see both of those biting me on the ass sooner or later, and badly.

I think, though, that the oddest choice is os.execute, because it’s straight-up dangerous. Rather than taking a table of command-line arguments, it takes a string, meaning that if you’re shelling out to, say, execute curl, you’re performing a potentially risky operation.

I’ve found some ways to compensate for these issues, if need be. The Penlight library looks like it’d help a lot, and luaposix looks like it should cover most of my other needs, if need be.

Still, these odd omissions aside, it seems fine so far. Maybe this’ll be the thing that gets me to revisit using AwesomeWM on some low-powered device again. After all, I’ve a Raspberry Pi 4 on the way.